
DPI GLOBAL is committed to sound scientific research in developing its products and product claims. For research summaries and full research reports on the performance of Impact MB® see below.

Research Summary:
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of Impact MB® on the N content of compost at the beginning of the active composting process and the beginning of the compost curing phase, relative to compost that did not receive treatment (control), under commercial windrow composting conditions.  The application of Impact MB® had a strong quantitative and significant effect on total nitrogen (TN) and ammonium-nitrogen (NH4-N), increasing these N species as much as 41% and 133%, respectively. Commercial composters should find a financial benefit to offering a product with an increased N content, and end-users should find greater value in purchasing and/or using a higher N content compost product.  Based on parameters in this study compost treated with Impact MB® increased N by 2.6 to 5.6 lbs/cubic yard, representing a fertilizer value of $1.40 to $3.02/cubic yard. Click here for full report.

Research Summary:
The objective of this study was to determine if the addition of Impact MB® to organic feedstocks would increase the speed of the composting process.  Based on this study, the addition of Impact MB® has the ability to decrease the time of active composting, thereby achieving biological stability faster than compost that has not been treated with Impact MB®.  Additionally, once biological stability is achieved during the composting process, Impact MB® can significantly lower respiration rate/stability values in the end product.  For a large scale composter where land area or facility footprint restraints restrict the rate of incoming materials, or where product demand is outpacing manufacturing and supply, the addition of 0.5 oz/yd3 of Impact MB® can offer a substantial benefit to both feedstock and product sales revenues. Click here for full report.


Impact MB

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